Anesthesia and Breastfeeding–statement on resuming breastfeeding after anesthesia by Am. Soc. Anesthesiologists Oct. 2019
Mastitis–explanation/recommendations for parents; webinar for health care providers; ABM protocol #36
Catherine Watson-Genna’s website with photos to help identify ties
CDC Special Circumstances – info about contraindications, illnesses, medications, and other less common questions
Concorde position-video for nursing with a tongue tie
Dr. Dorough’s podcast “Will Chiropractic Care Help a Baby to latch?”
Dr. Ghaheri’s explanation of anterior vs posterior tongue ties
LLL of Great Britain’s tips for nursing with a tie
Dr. Kotlow’s podcast “Tongue & Lip Ties: What’s Fact, What’s False, and How to Overcome the Problems“
Julie Matheny SLP/IBCLC’s “Lip Tie vs Normal Lip Frenulum: An SLP/IBCLC Perspective“
Breastfeeding-Friendly Food Pantry Guidelines
A Tale of Two Births/The Baby Friendly Rap–fun video promoting Baby Friendly practices
Breastfeeding NZ–good latch video with captions and New Zealand sign language
Global Health Media–short videos on latch and many aspects of breastfeeding, separate sets for mothers and health care professionals
Laid Back Breastfeeding–Suzanne Colton’s Biological Nurturing
Deep Latch Technique for Pain-Free Breastfeeding–video by Wagonbird
“Good drinking” videos and handouts from Dr Jack Newman
Reverse Pressure Softening for Engorgement–video
Breast massage and Hand Expression for Engorgement–video from Breastfeeding Medicine of Northeast Ohio
Low Milk Supply–techniques for increasing or decreasing supply; galactagogue charts by Diana West
Hands-On Pumping–maximizing milk production and other good video and handouts from Dr Jane Morton
Breastfeeding in Emergencies – Academy of Breastfeeding Medicines Position Statement